'Ernest Markham' clematis References
Book (Oct 2001) Page(s) 178. Includes photo(s). Clematis 'Ernest Markham' Ernest Markham (England) before 1937 Named by Rowland Jackman of George Jackman and Son, England, in December 1937, after Markham's death. Parentage unknown ... single, rounded, rich petunia-red flowers... six brtoad, overlapping tepals... Plants that are not pruned or lightly pruned produce early flowers from old wood... flowers better when grown in a sunny position...
Book (1999) Page(s) 235. ...bright magenta in color.
Website/Catalog (1996) Page(s) 41. Includes photo(s). Ernest Markham
Website/Catalog (1995) Page(s) 41. Includes photo(s). Clématite ERNEST MARKHAM Fleur rouge catmin de 10 à 15 cm de diamètre. Floraison abondante de Juin à Septembre. Variété vigoureuse.
Book (31 Oct 1993) Page(s) 106. Includes photo(s).
Website/Catalog (1970) Page(s) 42. Includes photo(s). Clématites A floraison estivale... « E. Markham ». Fleurs rouge carmin. 11,90
Website/Catalog (1966) Page(s) 48. Clématites A floraison estivale... « Ernest Markham » Variété rustique et florifère. Nombreuses fleurs rouge carmin à étamines jaunes.
Website/Catalog (1963) Page(s) 53. Ernest Markham, rouge carmin.