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"Kakinada Red" rose Member Journal Entires
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1 MAR 23
7b growing experience:
Southern exposure, purchased as band size.
Tall, vigorous growth on long, strong canes. Tended toward tall and leggy. Stood up to hard pruning which was required to keep her in shape.
Some trouble with black spot, but she just kept growing. Seemed pretty bulletproof.
Excellent producer and very good fragrance.
Thorns were large and talon-like. Made getting rose cuttings a bit challenging.
2 JUL 15
Bombproof and beautiful! Blackspot in spring, but the canes and plant are vigorous and unaffected by the trait so common to bourbon roses. Rambles.
22 OCT 12
*** Growing near Houston, TX: sub tropical zone 9a. Mild winters, hot, extremely humid summers that last half the year. ***

Purchased on ebay Fall 2011

10/22/2012- Plant is currently about 1x2 after cutting back this past August due to a serious chilli thrips infestation. She is bouncing back well and putting out nice growth.

June 2013- Potted and ready to move to our new house. She came out of the ground sort of messy, but has already started growing again.

Nov 2015- Planted in new garden

4/2016- has done very well in full all day sun in a bed that gets really dry during summer. Size is 3 x 3. Blooming like a champ.

2/28/2017- I have a happy Maggie here! Size is about 4w x 5h. Not dense so far though, growth is more open.

3/21/2017- Really impressive spring flush this year!

4/1/2019- Size is 10 x 10. In need of a pruning.

5/1/2019- I have officially tamed the beast! Pruned Maggie down to about 3 x 3 (she can take it), but whoever said this rose is thornless is outright crazy. I wouldn't say there are a large number of thorns, but they are insanely sharp and curved. I actually managed to get my ear hooked!! by an errant cane yesterday, and had to maneuver around to get myself released.

7/24/2019- Size has bounced back to a dense 5w x 4h and she's back to being bloomy. This is a great rose.

10/15/2021- Maggie had no problem with our Texas winter storm last winter where several other antiques struggled and a few died.
maggie is a medium red bourbon, almost thornless, upright, hardy to zone 5b.
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