'CANjujo' rose Reviews & Comments
There's a 'Climbing Just Joey' being offered in Australia. I saw one at a nursery today but didn't catch the code name. I see that two nurseries here are offering it online. One confirms it's a climbing sport of 'Just Joey'.
Available from - High Country Roses www.highcountryroses.com
My Just Joey has one cane with 4 blooms, like a floribunda. Is that common for JJ? Would someting like that be considered a sport? I have a photo if anyone would like to see what I'm talking about. Thanks,Dove
Dove, please do include a photo.
This is the pnly cane of the bush with 4 blooms
That's not 'Just Joey'. I can tell by the foliage alone. JJ has somewhat undulated, feathery, and lightly-pointed foliage.
That may be 'Sunset Celebration' with some off-coloring.
Any guesses out there ?
#4 of 10 posted
20 MAY 06 by
Wendy C
That photo doesn't look like any Just Joey I've ever seen. Has this bush always looked like this? The bloom shape and color isn't like JJ. Is it possible this is a mislabled rose?
Hi, Dove. I know the "definition" of a Hybrid Tea is generally accepted as one bloom per stem, but roses are such a mixed bag of traits. It is VERY common for HTs to bloom in small to large clusters, just as it is for floribundas to provide one flower to the stem. Cluster flowering is pretty common in the several species represented in modern roses. Your cluster of blooms on Just Joey is well within the norm for not only that rose, but just about any other Hybrid Tea you could find for sale. It wouldn't be considered a sport unless the flowers were materially different from the others the plant usually produces, such as fewer or greater number of petals, different color, stripes, mottling, etc.; the growth noticably different as in elongated canes as in the case of a climber, or much more dwarf resembling a mini mutation, etc.; or something like a very fragrant rose regularly producing a scentless one, or vice versa. When the characteristic is one which is common within the range of traits possible, it's not a mutation, just an expression of what the thing CAN do. You may have never seen Just Joey do what it's doing for you at the moment, but it's a common thing to find on it, and most other Hybrid Teas.
Hi Kim, I have seen my Floribundas produce a single flower and have read that Grandifloras may or may not produce multiple blooms, but wasn't aware that was the case with Hybrid Teas. I can always count on you for informative and educational responses. "...just an expression of what the thing CAN do" So in a nut shell Just Joey is showing off... cool. Dove
Hi Wendy, More than likely it's my photographic abilities (or lack thereof) that didn't capture the bloom in all it's Just Joey glory. I was trying to get a good view of the multiple stems. Cheers,Dove
#8 of 10 posted
22 MAY 06 by
Hi Dove, I'd be very surprised if this is 'Just Joey'. I'm with Wendy here. The buds are not right. The blooms are not right. The foliage is not right. The growth pattern is not right. The colour is not right. I've taken hundreds of shots of 'Just Joey' and have many bushes of it. I think that it will turn out to be something else. I have never seen multiple flowers on any stems. The stems on 'Just Joey' would be too weak to carry numbers of such large blooms. Cheryl Moore
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6 APR 22
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