'Floral Carpet' rose Reviews & Comments
Elected as the newest World’s Favourite Rose!
#2 of 8 posted
28 OCT 22 by
At each convention of the World Federation of Rose Societies a rose is elected by the member societies into the "Rose Hall of Fame". This started in 1976 with 'Peace'
#3 of 8 posted
28 OCT 22 by
Thanks for the explanation!
The voters can't have included a rosarian friend who likened the Flower Carpet roses to kudzu. But thanks for the explanation.
#5 of 8 posted
28 OCT 22 by
The options were: Aicha, Pink Flower Carpet, Frédéric Mistral and Gertrude Jekyll.
Who decided on the options? I am glad to see Noack getting some love, but the carpets? I suppose we all have our faves, but almost any Meidilland would have been a better choice for similar effect.
A nearly-retired nurseryman in Victoria said that every garden with roses should have The Children's Rose (Frederic Mistral).
#8 of 8 posted
29 OCT 22 by
There is an Awards Committee with delegates from various member societies which proposes the options.
I have a question for those of you who grow this rose. In your garden, when in rose season does it start to bloom? Mine just got started around June 18th-very, very late in rose season for those of us in Tuscany, Italy. I s this typical of this variety?
I have a hunch that the 'Amanda' listed as the pollen parent of Flower Carpet 'Pink' is not the one currently listed ('BEEsian') but the 1979 rose whose registration & exhibition names are both 'Amanda', bred in the same year by Werner Noack. Both the U.S. and the Australian patent reference the pollen parent as 'Amanda', not 'BEEsian'. This would also be the same for the other Flower Carpets listed as coming from 'Amanda'. In addition to this, one of Noack's other roses, 'Rosa Perle', is listed as descending from the Noack 'Amanda' as well and the other descendant of the Noack 'Amanda', 'Hockey', has the same cluster flowering habit as FCP does.
I think that is a rather logical deduction, Simon. Good thinking! It makes sense he'd use his own proprietary rose. If you look at Rosa Perle, another Noak creation out of his Amanda, the single photo does resemble Flower Carpet quite a bit.
Where did all the other names for this rose come from?
See the references tab.
The references section wasn't particularly useful, which is why I posted here. I can see the following list of names/synonyms:
• Blooming Carpet • Emera Pavement • Emera • Floral Carpet • Flower Carpet ® Pink • Heidetraum • NOAtraum
The references section accounts for 'NOAtraum', 'Heidetraum' and Flower Carpet™ (not, strangely, Flower Carpet™ 'Pink'; Flower Carpet™ is a trade mark not a name). I'm wondering how a rose that is relatively young and distinctive can come to be known by so many names, such as 'Emera'... and 'Emera Pavement', etc?
MR10 says that its registered name is NOAtraum and its official synonym is 'Heidetraum' ('Heide' translates as 'heath' and 'traum' translates as 'dream'... according to Google translator). The trade mark for the rose is 'Flower Carpet' (which by normal trade mark law means that it is invalid because once a product becomes known as its trade mark it becomes invalid and not worth the paper it is written on). Maybe the name 'Pink' should be added to the list of names as well? HMF, and everywhere else, refers to this rose as 'Flower Carpet Pink', however, which means that Flower Carpet™ is no longer a trade mark but is being used as a name.
I'm curious about the names of this rose because around the world the various plant patents are running out which means that other nurseries are now legally allowed to add it to their propagation lists and offer it for sale with their other non-patented roses. However, Flower Carpet™ is trade marked in most places around the world and so technically can't be used. So what are people going to call it? 'Pink'? Or will they revert back to the original 'Heidetraum' or will they choose from any one of the many other names, whose origin (and therefore validity) have not been established? My thinking is that people should start selling it as 'Heidetraum' (where it will fade into relative obscurity in non-German speaking countries like roses like 'Heidesommer', which is every bit as good as FCP, have) or people should sell it as 'Flower Carpet Pink' on the understanding that despite it being a trade mark... it is an invalid trade mark and is now basically a synonym and part of its (convoluted) name history.
I think it is important to clear up these naming issues for rose historians of the future, especially seeing as this rose has been such an inlfuential rose on a world scale in much the same way as 'Knock Out' has been.