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'Grimpant Clair Matin' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 128-889
most recent 23 AUG 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 AUG 21 by murasaki
hello! i would like to grow Clair Matin as a climber trained along an almost 6' fence, would this work? somebody who grows it has told me she has rather stiff canes and this wouldn't be possible, but i read it could be trained as a climber too. What do you think? i don't have much experience with roses, if this is too complicated a job, i would have to give up, but she is so lovely :)
Reply #1 of 3 posted 22 AUG 21 by Palustris
'Clair Matin' makes a 5' upright shrub for me in US zone 6. I think for growing along a fence you might want a longer caned rose with more flexible canes, like a rambler.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 22 AUG 21 by murasaki
thanks a lot, then i will look for something else:)
Reply #3 of 3 posted 23 AUG 21 by Duchesse
when my Clair Matin bare root rose arrived with one cane only, I decided to grow her upright like a standard rose. I guess time will tell what is possible
Discussion id : 74-333
most recent 30 SEP 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 30 SEP 13 by Renato Emma
Syn.'Meimont', 'Grimpant Clair Matin'
Rosa rampicante Floribunda/Grandiflora a portamento vigoroso-eretto, ben ramificato. Foglie lucide, cuoiose, verde scuro. Fiori md/grandi, singoli o in mazzi, rosa intenso, e al centro rosa pastello. Fragranza moderata, dolce, con sentore di miele. Resistente a freddo, smog e malattie; rifiorente. H.3,5mt L.2mt. Adatta x fiori da taglio e esposizione.
(ROSACEAE) (Marie-Louise Meilland, Meilland Intern., Francia, 1960)
Discussion id : 70-947
most recent 8 APR 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 APR 13 by rose dabbler
I just bought clair matin and am wondering where to plant it. Among my options is a spot between two established climbing roses (spice so nice and the impressionist) that are eight feet apart and growing up my porch pillars. I would like to place the CM between the two and train half of it's canes horizontally to the left along the porch railing and the other half to the right until it meets the posts and to intermingle/twine with the other climbing roses up the posts. Is this realistic or would it be just too crowded? Can CM be happy pruned to just a few canes that will put the new growth into length, or does it need to be treated more as a massive bush?

Are there other roses that would be happy in this situation?

I am in Zone 6 and the porch is south-facing with all-day sun.


Discussion id : 60-479
most recent 1 JAN 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JAN 12 by Bebba
I love this rose! Not only is it luxuriant and almost completely covers my arbor, but it is disease resistant here in N. California. But most of all I love the details: the beauty of the buds, which are quite red until they open pink, and the leaves, which have a tiny red edge. You can cut long sprays of this one when there are only a couple of flowers open in the spray and the buds are only just beginning to show color. They will open indoors beautifully and reliably. Am glad to read here that the fragrance is "sweetbriar", because I've always loved that. I would have said, simply, "fresh". Deserves its 8.7 ARS rating. Enjoy!
Reply #1 of 1 posted 1 JAN 12 by jedmar
We have Clair Matin growing in our garden in Switzerland and it is incredibly floriferous and vigorous. The amount of canes it produces annually is just unbelievable.
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