HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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'Mozart' rose Cuttings Exchange
HelpMeFind's future is in your hands - Please do not take this unique resource for granted.

Your support of HelpMeFind is urgently needed. HelpMeFind, like all websites, needs funding to survive. We have set a premium-membership yearly subscription amount as low as possible to make user-community funding viable.

We are grateful to the many members who have signed up so far, but the number of premium-membership members remains too small for us to sustain the current support and development level. If you value HelpMeFind and want to see it continue we need your support too.

Yearly membership is only $2.00 per month and adds a host of additional features, and numerous planned enhancements, to take full advantage of the power and convenience of HelpMeFind. Click here to start your premium membership..

We of course also welcome donations of any amount. Click here to make a donation. Donations of $24 or more receive a thank-you gift of a 1-year premium membership.

As far as we have come, we feel HelpMeFind is still in its infancy. With your support we have so much more to accomplish.

The Cutting Exchange is not to be used for the exchange of patented or proprietary plant material or in violation of local and international regulations related to the sale, exchange, and transport of plant material including compliance with the local PLANT BREEDERS' RIGHTS of each party.

Please note as we do not have current patent information for every plant, the absence of patent information is NOT indicative of non-patented plant material: Site guests assume all responsibility for verifying a plant's patent status and observing applicable regulations.

Plant breeders, and their authorized agents, that wish to have their plants excluded from the Cutting Exchange are welcome to contact HMF.

Please also be aware that rooting cuttings can take considerable time and effort along with a fair amount of expertise (see glossary - Cuttings). In addition, the authenticity of the original plant material can be questionable.

Site guests are requested to NOT contact other HMF members about plant cuttings unless that member has explicitly chosen to participate in the plant cutting exchange.  In addition, requests for plant cuttings knowingly in violation of government regulations are forbidden and subject to removal.

Sorry, but participation in the Cutting Exchange is limited to HMF registered members because of the need for communication between the interested parties.

You can use the NEW MEMBER button above to register or the SIGN IN button to sign in if you are already registered. Registration is free and your registration information is for site use convenience and is not shared with anyone.

© 2025