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The Friends of Vintage Roses, Sebastopol, CA
Uploaded 8 MAR 24 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Late Autumn bloom in the garden, Sth. Aust. 15th May 2022.
Uploaded 15 MAY 22 |
Extreme close up!
Uploaded 17 AUG 22 |
'Cinderella'. Own-root 2018 cutting-grown plant at Northcliffe, W.A. Mar 23, 2019.
Uploaded 23 MAR 19 |
Extreme close up!
Uploaded 17 AUG 22 |
'Cinderella'. Own-root plant (left) at Northcliffe, W.A. Mar 23, 2019. Provenance Pinjarra Heritage Rose Garden in 2000. With a 2018 cutting-grown plant (right). I propose to mail this smaller plant in winter to a HMF member whose mother grew it when he was a small child and passed on the love of tiny Cinderella to him.
Uploaded 23 MAR 19 |
Rose photo courtesy of Johno
Late Autumn bloom in the garden, Sth. Aust. 15th May 2022.
Uploaded 15 MAY 22 |
Rose photo courtesy of Seil
St Clair Shores, MI
1 favorite vote.
Uploaded 24 FEB 14 |