February 2005 Melbourne, Australia. I have had this plant now for about 20 years and moved it with me when I changed homes. It is a true masochist's rose. The plant is weak and very disease susceptible (black spot and mildew). 95% of the flowers ball, but when it does actually produce a good flower it is exquisite. The petals are translucent like an artificial flower made from wax and the perfume is superb. It is very recurrent but its flowers only open in cool, dry autumn weather in Melbourne. It is a low, spindly bush and has never shown any inclination to climb as stated in the description.
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February 2005 Melbourne, Australia. I have had this plant now for about 20 years and moved it with me when I changed homes. It is a true masochist's rose. The plant is weak and very disease susceptible (black spot and mildew). 95% of the flowers ball, but when it does actually produce a good flower it is exquisite. The petals are translucent like an artificial flower made from wax and the perfume is superb. It is very recurrent but its flowers only open in cool, dry autumn weather in Melbourne. It is a low, spindly bush and has never shown any inclination to climb as stated in the description.