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'Poison' rose Description

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Bred by Petrus Nicolaas Johannes Schreurs (Netherlands, before 1996).
Florists Rose, Hybrid Tea.  
Dark red, purple shading.  Moderate fragrance.  Medium, double (17-25 petals) bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  Ovoid buds.  
Upright.  Medium, glossy, medium green foliage.  
Australia - Patent No: AU3787P  on  9 Jun 2009
Application No: 2001/128  on  27 May 2001   VIEW PBR PATENT
un-named seed parent x un-named pollen parent, in a planned breeding program at De Kwakel, the Netherlands during the years 1994 to 1996. ... Breeder: P.N.J. Schreurs, Piet Schreurs De Kwakel BV, De Kwakel, The Netherlands.
First sold in The Netherlands in Feb 1998.
European Union - Patent  on  1999
South Africa - Application  on  2003