'Mademoiselle Meilland ®' rose Description
Photo courtesy of The Rose Geek
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Rose-pink, orange-pink shading. [Rose-pink.]. Strong, anise, apple, apricot or peach, damask, fruity, lemon fragrance. 48 to 68 petals. Average diameter 5". Very large, very full (41+ petals), borne mostly solitary, old-fashioned bloom form. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Small buds.
Bushy, compact. Medium green, leathery foliage. 3 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 39" to 6' (100 to 185cm). Width: up to 20" (up to 50cm).
Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.
European Union - Application No: 2015/1557 on 4 Jul 2015 United States - Patent No: PP 28,659 on 21 Nov 2017 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 14/756,829 on 3 Jul 2015 Inventors: Meilland; Alain A. (Antibes, FR)
The female parent (i.e., the seed parent) was the product of the cross of the ‘Meironsse’ variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,496) and ‘Ausmas’ variety (non-patented in the United States). The male parent (i.e., the pollen parent) was the ‘Baipeace’ variety (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 14,731)....The description is based on the observation of one and one-half year old plants during July while growing outdoors as their own roots at Le Cannet des Maures, Var, France.