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Nematodes are microsopic soil worms that parasitize rose roots. Nematode pests of roses are found worldwide, spread in soil or rootstock. Seven major nematode pests cause damage to roses, causing vague general symptoms of decline, stunted growth and reduced flowering. Nematodes are involved in some Rose Replant Disease and in some virus transmission. Root-knot nematodes are found in Mediterranean climates and in greenhouses worldwide, reducing plant growth and probably contributing to the spread of Crown Gall. Root-lesion nematodes are also found in Mediterranean climates and in greehouses worldwide, especially in coastal areas, causing drastic plant decline by killing roots. Dagger nematodes are found in greenhouses worldwide and cause galls on the tips of feeder roots. Dagger nematodes are associated with other plants in the same family (plums, prunes, apples, for example). These nematodes are found to transmit both arabis mosaic virus and strawberrry latent ringspot virus. Rootstocks can be selected for greater resistance to soecific regional nematodes.

In North America, northern root-knot and lesion nematodes cause the most problems on roses: wilting, chlorosis and stunted growth. 'Manetti" is resistant to northern root-knot nematode, while Dr. Huey, Odorata and Multiflora are all susceptible, with Multiflora slightly less. Manetti, Dr. Huey, Odorata and Multiflora are all susceptible to lesion nematodes, with Multiflora slightly less. From the Encyclopedia of Rose Science.
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