How Do I…
Uploading photos to HelpMefind is very easy but it is important you follow these procedures to insure...
  • the photo is identified correctly
  • the photo is displayed in the correct location
  • you, if desired, are identified as the photo's contributor
The following describes the different types of photo uploads and the procedure for each.

Peony photo uploads

Peony photos must be uploaded from the appropriate peony display page using the upload button found on the PHOTOS tab. Please do not upload your photo unless you are sure it is the correct peony.

The upload form will display the name of the currently displayed peony and include prompts to identify who the rose is courtesy of (you), the file name of the photo on your computer, and any comments you care to include about your photo.

If you have a listing on HMF (e.g. a garden listing) it is important you select your listing from the "Courtesy of" list. If your listing is not included and your only choice is "anonymous" then you are not logged in properly. Manually sign out and sign in using your email address and password and start the upload again.

Correctly identifying your HMF listing in the "Courtesy of" prompt will insure the photo will be included on the PHOTOS tab of your listing as well as the appropriate rose page.

Listing (garden,nursery,etc) photo uploads

The listing photo upload is for photos of your listing and NOT for individual peony photos. For example, garden listings should include photos of the whole garden; breeder listings should include photos of the breeder or photos related to their peony breeding operation; society listings could include group photos of the members.

Questions & Comments

The question and comment photo upload is for uploading a photo pertaining to your comment or question. For example, if you are looking for help identifying a peony it is of course very helpful to include a photo as well as a very detailed description.