HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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United States
Long time gardener, Professional Landscape Architect for 18 years, plant molecular biologist, and forever a plant enthusiast. There is always an experiment brewing!

The long and winding road currently has my scattered interests looking at cut flowers. Being in Sacramento, CA in zone 9b, I am intrigued by outdoor grown roses producing florist quality stems. In particular roses for wedding and bridal events. For my own use, for selling to local florists, and possibly as local nursery stock some day.

My focus (that may change at any moment of the day) is:

Long stemmed
Single or 2-4 bud sprays
double plus petal counts
Productive, continuous bloomer
Approximately 4 inch (or larger) diameter blooms
Few or no thorns
Long vase life
English or Japanese style blooms
White, cream/ivory, taupe/tan/beige/nude/neutral, light blush apricots or pinks

Since I am in a dry, hot section of California with only a few days each winter below 30F, disease pressure and winter die off is low here but sun/heat tolerant is a must! And I am not seeking beautiful garden roses but plants that can be grown outdoors to produce quality stems.

Seeking the rose version of the Cafe Au Lait Dahlia... May the Quest for this Mythical Rose begin!
Experienced (42 years)
Last visit: Saturday, January 25th

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