HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Gloria Dei
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Above All photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of blueisland
Plant 5 feet tall 3 months after planting and covered with flowers almost all the time. Brilliant orange colour and blooms last at least 2 weeks on the plant.
5 favorite votes.  
Alleluia ® photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of asakombu
1 favorite vote.  
Above All photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of blueisland
Planted in May 2015, picture taken June 7, 2015. Healthy glossy leaves, beautiful vibrantly coloured flowers and sweet scent.
3 favorite votes.  
Amazing Grace ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Galina Morgan
2 favorite votes.  
Above All photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Terrence Reilly
Located in the San Jose Municipal Rose Garden - a show stopper and favorite spot for photos.
7 favorite votes.  
Amazing Grace ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of AnnK NCalif
1 favorite vote.  
Aleluia photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Henrique Rodrigues Vivián
Azeitão (south of Lisbon), MAY 17 2004.
1 favorite vote.  
Amazing Grace ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of AnnK NCalif
1 favorite vote.  
Alleluia ® photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Rosaplant
Photo taken at Rosaplant's collection, August 2013, Poland
2 favorite votes.  
Amazing Grace ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Galina Morgan
3 favorite votes.  
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