HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Photo courtesy of ETXRoseGal
Texas, United States
Rose & Plant Related:
ARS Consulting Rosarian and Horticulture Judge. Founding president, Collin County Rose Society. Been in TX since 1985. Lived in Plano, TX from 1988 - 1998. Moved to Campbell, TX in 1998 in search of sandy soil for my roses and a country life-style. Discovered (too late) that the coop well-water was too high in saline for plant irrigation and lost the 1000 rose plants that I had at time of move-in. Currently rebuilding rose stock by using rainwater harvesting. Hunt County Master Gardener. 2010 Hunt County Master Gardener Intern of the Year.

2010 - Present Project - Photograph/document/ID of rose garden containing 95 rustled roses (from old cemetaries, settlement homes, etc.) collected between ~1940-1998. Note: Current owner of business (where this garden is located) closed the doors in May. Received permission to continue work and to take cuttings in an effort to keep these very old, extremely hardy, varieties from being lost. There are several of what apppear to be species roses, or species hybrids. Some of the more well-known/readilyavailable roses I've ID - Dortmund, Veilchenblau, Mermaid, Caldwell Pink, Archduke Charles, Old Blush, and Mutabilis. Special Note: These roses are currently growing in clay soil, given no supplemental water, and are neither mulched or fertilized. Several plants have elm or pecan trees growing next to or in the middle of them. This summer, sustained drought (less than 2" of rain over a 3 month period) and record heat wave (114-116 degrees) has resulted in the loss of at least 10 of these exceptionally hardy plants.

The first round of cuttings (taken in May) have resulted in 25 of the varieties being protected. The second round of cuttings (taken in Sept./Oct) appear to be doing doing well - some are showing signs of having taken root. At the time the cuttings were taken, most plants showed extreme desiccation due to lack of water. Took cuttings, none-the-less, reviving them by keeping them in their plastic bags for a day, recutting (under water), and letting them stand for 24 hours before placing in rooting medium.

Future Goals:
Finish home-made greenhouse in order to renew Nursery License, and continue with hybridizing experiment. Through Hunt County Master Gardener program, continue educating others about roses in this area. (No rose society meets within 60 miles of this locale.)

Remarried in 2005 to a wonderful, Christian man who wishes to see me realize my dream of getting back to rose growing and showing to the extent that I once enjoyed.

Our business is leatherwork "RoseOak Ranch Saddlery". We also raise Quarter Horses, Miniature Horses, and poultry.

We were both commissioned as missionaries in 2005. Our calling is starting and assisting young Cowboy Churches that are affiliated with the American (formerly,Texas) Fellowship of Cowboy Churches. Accepted permanent pastorate at Narrow Trail Cowboy Church in Plano, Texas in 2011.
Very experienced (36 years)
Accredited or certified authority, Photographer, Rustler, Show judge, Show exhibitor
Last visit: More than a year ago

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