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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
'Paradise ™ (hybrid tea, Weeks 1975)' rose photo
Photo courtesy of ladybug
Arizona, United States
I have been growing roses for over five years, but I have been a gardener for over twenty five years. Obviously I can't plant all that is on my wish/cuttings list, but I can sure try :o) I'm into the David Austin, rare and heirloom type roses. Many of my roses are very young, but I'm willing to share what I have...some just have to wait a little while.
My father got me hooked on roses when I was a teenager. He had this beautiful Don Juan that he had bought for my mother as a Mother's Day gift. He planted it so that it would grow up the chimney. It grew to over ten feet tall on that chimney, and the fragrance was to die for. Of course, it was the first rose that I bought in honor of him. It's by my bedroom window, so the first thing I smell in the morning is the Don Juan. Now, on the over side of that same window is my the Oklahoma, which has become another favorite.
I do enjoy the multitude of roses that I have, I smell them, preen them, pluck them, and then smell them again. I quite literally can't get enough of them. I shall die happily as an old woman of rose fever.
Rustler, Show exhibitor
Last visit: More than a year ago

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