Photo courtesy of lbuzzell
California, United States
I'm on the board of the Santa Barbara Rose Society. My husband and I grow mostly heritage roses (many from Vintage Gardens Nursery), Austins and Kim Rupert roses. We have a permaculture-style backyard food forest on approx. 1/3 acre suburban lot and include many old roses and some moderns too which we enjoy for their beauty and food value, as we include petals in our daily salads. We have around 100 roses at present, but always hope for more! I'm a psychotherapist and the co-editor of Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind (Sierra Club Books 2009), a book about the healing power of nature-connection. I worked with fellow SBRS Board member Professor Alyse Steidler on a Power Point about Santa Barbara's "Padre of the Roses" Father George Schoener, who hybridized many roses and ran a nursery here in the 1920s and 1930s.
Author, Society officer
Last visit: More than a year ago