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Martin, Jr., Robert B.

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Rose Breeder, Author and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
United States
Bob Martin (June 12, 1944 - November 26, 2021)
[From the website] Bob is a national level exhibitor with close to 200 Queens to his credit which includes both national and district Queens and 11 National Challenge Class trophies. He is currently ARS VP and will soon become ARS President. He serves on several ARS committees including the Miniature & Miniflora committee. Bob is an accredited ARS Arrangement and Horticultural Judge and a Master Rosarian. Among Bob’s numerous awards are the ARS Silver Medal and Klima Medal. Bob has given presentations at 22 ARS National Conventions and numerous District and local rose societies over the past several years. Bob is also a prolific writer having written 40 articles that have appeared in the American Rose Magazine and over 600 articles that have been published in ARS local and District publications. He has registered 14 roses to date including the miniatures Ilona and Margie plus minifloras Alakazam, Angel Grace, Butter Cream, Bronze Medal, Coconut Shrimp, Peter Cottontail, the Floribundas Bolivar, Pasadena Star and Peachy Cheeks, the hybrid teas Dona Martin and Lilac Surprise plus the Polyantha Elizabeth Navarro.
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