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Beltran (C.M. Amling Roses), Gabriel
'Beltran (C.M. Amling Roses), Gabriel'  photo
Photo courtesy of Serge Beltran/son of Gabriel Beltran
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Thu Sep 2024
Santa Ana, California
United States
In the 50's, my dad, Gabriel Beltran developed a beautiful pink rose named after his bosses' daughter, Carol Amling. When he retired, he was hired by a large corporation in Columbia, S.A. to go there and set up a greenhouse for roses. He and mom went to Bogota, Columbia and were there for 3 years. He was paid very well --- all expenses paid which included air fare and housing. My father worked for 50 years in the rose business, except for a hiatus of 4 years where he was employed in the Navy Shipyards in Long Beach during the war years. After the war, he returned to his former work and was made foreman of Amling Roses. While in Bogota, he became ill and was diagnosed with cancer. He and mom returned and stayed at our house. He died three months later. He made many friends in the rose business many who consulted him because of the knowledge
of roses. (Bill Warriner)

Serge Beltran

[From Modern Roses IV, p. 29:] Beltran. Gabriel Beltran, Santa Ana, Calif. Carol Amling.
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