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Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Mon Nov 2024
Maître-Ecole Angers, Pays De La Loire 49000 France
Pierre Coquereau (d. 1850)
[From Mémoires de la Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts d'Angers, 1835, p. 44:] ....Although the number of roses that we reported in cultures of M. Coquereau, has not arrived at a very high figure, the collection which includes these is very large and not less remarkable, and the arrangement of the suitable. The seedlings of this distinguished amateur willincrease further, but their young age has prevented us from being able to describe this year we await the time when time has set the shape and color of their flowers in an immovable manner.
[From Statistique horticole de Maine-et-Loire, 1842, p. 11:] Coquereau, am.[ateur] à Ang.[ers]
[From Revue Horticole, June 1843, p. 326:] M. Coquereau, propriétaire à Maître-École,
[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, 1848, p. 334:] M. Coquereau of Angers.
[From Travaux du Comice Horticole du Maine et Loire,1851, vol. 4, n.31, p. 88:] Séance du 15 juin 1850...Dans cette séance, est annoncée la perte que vient de faire le Comice, de l'un de ses membres les plus méritants, M. Pierre Coquereau. C'est à cet amateur qu'est due la belle rose portant le nom de Chromatella.
[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 41:] Maître-École is the name of an area in the city of Angers, in France, where several breeders had property: Coquereau had land there in the 1830s-1840s; Moreau-Robert had a clos ("enclosure") there by 1866, perhaps handed down from his predecessors Vibert, Robert, and/or Robert & Moreau; later, ca. 1900, Chédane-Guinoisseau also owned property at Maître-École.
[From a correspondent on the Internet:] Coquereau was a French amateur at Angers. Robert was the gardener of Vibert and took over the nursery in 1850 with his partner, Moreau.