Kosteckij, Nikolai Danilovich
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Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Sun Nov 2024
Yalta, Crimea USSR (former)
[From Wild- und Gartenrosen", by S. G. Saakov, 1976, p. 60:] The task to hybridize and select roses were carried out 1939 by Kostezki in the Botanical Garden of Nikita. From 1948 to 1951 21 own-bred varieties were approved and mass Propagation started, among them 6 sorts Tea-Roses, 5 Hybrid Perpetuals and 10 Hybrid Teas (Rose Catalogue 1941; Kostezki 1951): 'Tscherwona Ukraina', 'Nega', 'Jubileynaya'. 'Utschan-Su', 'Artek' and others. The works were mainly carried out with Hybrid Teas, which were crossed with Hybrid Perpetuals, Polyantha, Wichurana-Roses as well as R. rugosa. [From Summary of Rose Breeding (1824 - 2010) in the Nikita Botanical Gardens, by Z. K. Klimenko, 2011, p. 50:] In 1939 the selection of garden roses in the NBS [Nikita Botanical garden] continued with Nikolai Danilovich Kostecki, who utilized intervarietal hybridization as his main method and obtained 21 rose varities cultivated in Crimea.