Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
From email: Isabella Preston. Born 1881; died 1965. The first professional hybridist in Canada. During her career at the Central Experimental Farm in Ottawa (retired 1946), she originated nearly 200 hybrid plants, including at least 20 roses, many named after native Canadian Indian tribes. They include 'Carmenetta', 'Orinda', 'Huron', 'Iroquois', 'Poliarchus', 'Cree', 'U.P. Hedrick', 'Langford', 'Mohawk', 'Agassiz', 'Algonquin', 'Chippewa', 'Micmac', 'Millicent', 'Silvander', 'Nascapee', 'Ojibway', 'Caribou', 'Conestoga,' and 'Erie'. Most no longer commercially available and, except for 'Carmenetta,' 'Langford,' 'Conestoga' and 'Mohawk,' believed to be lost. The Central Experimental Farm is currently trying to locate specimens of the missing roses for its refurbished rose gardens in Ottawa.