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Cayeux, Henri
'Cayeux, Henri'  photo
Photo courtesy of odinthor
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Thu Mar 2025
USDA Zone: 9a (20 to 25 F / -6.6 to -3.9 C)
From Henri Cayeux's article, Rosa Gigantea And Its Hybrids, Journal of Heredity (1929), 305-307: As director of Lisbon's Botanical Gardens, Cayeux admired Rosa gigantea's enormous blooms and long yellow buds. He first pollinated Rosa gigantea with Tea rose pollen in 1898, obtained seed that was planted in 1899 and saw blooms on those plants in 1903. He then pollinated Tea roses with Rosa gigantea pollen in an effort to obtain hardier plants.

[From Journal des Roses, 1899:] Successor of J. Daveau as As director of Lisbon's Botanical Gardens]

[From Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Vol 27: 482-492 (1902/3).
SOME WILD ASIATIC ROSES by Maurice L. de Vilmorin, F.R.H.S.
I have not succeeded with attempts to grow the Rosa gigantea of Collett in the open, even against walls in my garden in Central France. The plant thrives in one or two places on the French Riviera. Interesting crossings are being made by M. Cayeux at the Botanical Garden of Lisbon.]

[From Les Amis des Roses, May-June 1932, p. 56:] Les premiers hybrides de R. G[igantea]. ont été obtenus en 1898, par M. Henri CAYEUX, actuellement directeur des jardins et promenades du Havre, au Jardin botanique de Lisbonne, dont il était directeur. Les graines semées en 1899, donnèrent des plantes dont les premières fleurs n'apparurent qu'en 1903.

[From Roses on the Cote d'Azur, March 7, 1935, by Jean Muraour, p. 97:] The first [R. gigantea] hybrids were obtained in 1898 at the Botanic Garden of Lisbon, by Henri Cayeux, now [1935] Director of Gardens and Walks at Havre.

[From The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book, by Graham Stuart Thomas, 1994, p. 163:] Henri Cayeux raised 'Belle Portugaise' in the Lisbon Botanic Garden in 1903.
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