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Verdier fils aîne, Eugène
'Verdier fils aîne, Eugène'  photo
Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose and peony Breeder  

Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
rue Dunois, no. 3
Paris, 75013
Louis-Eugène-Jules VERDIER (1827- March 11, 1902 Paris), elder son of Victor VERDIER. He set up his own business and bred roses, peonies, gladiolus and other flowers.

[From Annales de la Société Centrale d'Horticulture, June 1849, p. 239:] M. Victor Verdier père annonce que son fils aîné, M. Eugène Verdier, vient de former, depuis deux ans, un établissement principalement consacré à la culture des Rosiers et des Camellia.

[From Bulletin de Travaux de la Société d'Horticulture de la Seine, 1852, p. 46:] VERDIER fils aîné (Eugène), horticulteur, 6, rue des Trois-Ormes, boulevard de la Gare d'Ivry (Seine).

[From Bulletin de Travaux de la Société d'Horticulture de la Seine, 1853, p. 46:] 1850—VERDIER fils aîné (Eugène), horticulteur, 6, rue des Trois Ormes, boulevard de la Gare d'Ivry (Seine).

[From Journal d'Horticulteur pratique de Belgique, 1856, p. 349] ...M. Eugène Verdier fils, horticulteur, rue des Trois-Ormes, é la gare d'Ivry (Seine).

[From L'Horticulteur français, 1867, p. 48] M. Eugène Verdier fils aîne, 3 rue Dunois, Paris...

[From Journal des Roses, May 1, 1902, p. 82:] ...Louis-Eugène-Jules Verdier, décédé le 11 mars 1902, à son domicile, 37, rue Clisson, à Paris, à l'âge de 75 ans. C'était le dernier survivant de la famille Verdier qui a joué un très grand rôle, le siècle dernier, dans la rosriculture française.

[From Revue Horticole, 1902, p. 153] M. Eugène Verdier was himself son of a very remarkable breeder of Roses and brother of M. Charles Verdier...

[From The Book of the Peony by Alice Harding, 1917, p. 55:] Tabulation showing successive owners of noted French collections of peonies:
M. Jacques, gardener to Louis Philippe. 1830-1848
Victor Verdier, 1848-1866.
Eugene Verdier, 1866- ?
Part of this collection was acquired by Dessert.

[From The Book of the Peony by Alice Harding, 1917, p. 55:] Tabulation showing successive owners of noted French collections of peonies:
Modeste Guerin, 1835-1866
A large part of this collection was bought by Mechin. The ground in Paris occupied by this collection and by that of Eugene Verdier was sold for building purposes, and the collections were dispersed.

[From "Les Iris cultivés:Actes et comptes-rendus de la 1re Conférence internationale des iris", 1923, p. 60] ...the Verdiers (Victor Verdier, who was later succeeded by his son Charles, and Eugène Verdier, who established his own account)...

[From Phillips & Rix, The Quest for the Rose, p. 83:] son of Philippe-Victor Verdier… concentrated on rose breeding and was a prolific breeder of Hybrid Perpetuals. He died in 1902.

[From Old Roses, by Mrs. Frederick Love Keays, p. 177:] In 1861, Eugene Verdier began a great career in Hybrid Perpetual roses with 'Prince Camille de Rohan' and 'Mme. Charles Wood'.
[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 122:] Mons E. Verdier picks out each year a considerable number of seedlings (perhaps twenty or thirty thousand), and plants them all mixed together...
[Ibid: p. 182:] Mons Louis-Eugène-Jules Verdier, who died March 11, 1902, at his home, 37 Rue Clisson, Paris, at the age of 75. He was the last survivor of the Verdier family which played a very great role in French rosiculture in the last century... For many years, Mons Verdier hadn't left his home; having been struck down by blindness, and it was a struggle to go out, he was reduced to complete inaction... Madame Eugène Verdier... has died at the age of 64 after a long illness. The obsequies will take place the 17th of October [1893]...
[From Botanica's Roses, p. 379:] Eugene Verdier produced an astonishing 222 hybrids in his Paris nursery.
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