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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Sun Sep 2024
Faubourg Bannier, no. 4
Orléans, Centre 45000
[From Annales de la Société d'Horticulture de Paris, 1827, p. 250:] MAUGET, Jardinier-Fleuriste , rue de la Grenouillère, faubourg Banier, à Orléans (Loiret).

[From Rosetum Gallicum, by Narcisse Desportes, 1828, p. 124:] MAUGET, faubourg Bannier, n.o 4, à Orléans (Loiret).

[From Revue Horticole, October 1829, p. 124:] M. Mauget, pépinièriste à Orléans

[From Le Bon Jardinier, 1833, p. 858] Mauget, faubourg Bannier, no. 4, à Orléans (Loiret).

[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent Dickerson, p. 145:] Mauget, Orleans horticulturalist... Monsieur Mauget of Orléans, France, humble and successful breeder of roses from circa 1825-1849...

[From Roll Call: The Old Rose Breeder, p. 334:] Mauget, Orléans, France
Began his work with roses about 1820
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