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Geschwind (1829-1910), Rudolf
'Geschwind (1829-1910), Rudolf'  photo
Photo courtesy of Vladimír Ježovič
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Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
Austria-Hungary (former)
Rudolf Geschwind / Rudolph Geschwindt (french spelling), Hungary. (August 21, 1829 - August 30, 1910)

[From Rosen-Zeitung, 1910, p. 125:] The valuable Rose collection of the late Forstmeister Geschwind in Karpona in Hungary has been bought by Mrs Marie Henriette Gräfin Chotek of Korompa. Countess Chotek sent two persons to Karpona, which packed the roses and brough them, and now she is in the course of planting them in a separate section in her extensive, beautiful Rosarium. They are about 2000, almost all own cultivars of Geschwind, which partly, as there were too many, partly as they are quite new, are not yet in commerce.
[From Rudolf Geschwind (1829-1910), by Andrea Buchmann & Erich Unmuth, p. 47-48:] ...born in Hredle (Rakovnik) in nothern Bohemia...childhood and youth in Teplitz...1847/48 Polytechnical Institute in Prag..1849...1852 Academy of Forestry in Schemnitz...1856 Forester in Fondo (in Val di Non in Trentino)..1859 Forest warden in Brod (Horné Hamré near Zarnovica)...1867 has to leave the civil service..1869 short service for Prince Windischgrätz in Maunitz near Adelsberg (Postojna) ...Schloss Luegg (Predjama)...1870 Forester in Vucskomezö (Comitat Marmaros - today in Ukraine)...August return to Teplitz... 1872 Forest warden of Korpona...1889 Exhibition of "Hungarian Ramblers" in the World Exhibition Paris...1905 Retires

[From Rudolf Geschwind, by Erich Unmuth, 2006, p. 5:]...Complex ancestry is one of the surprsing aspects of most of Geschwind's creations...Geschwind tried for the first time in the history of rose breeding to lay down the practical and theoretical problems that occur in the process of creating new rose varieties...

[From The Old Rose Adventurer, by Brent Dickerson, p. 338:] Mr. Geschwind of Karpfen (Hungary)

[From Roll Call: The Old Rose Breeder, p. 185:]
Rudolf Geschwind Geschwind used to work in the Austria-Hungarian Empire, first in Teplitz in Bohemia (now Teplice in the Czech Republic), then in Karpfen in the Hungarian part of the "Double Monarchy", (now Krupina or Korpona in Slovakia)

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