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Jacotot père, Pierre

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Mon Sep 2024
As per Dominique Massad (see comments for Henri Jacotot)

"The true breeder is Pierre JACOTOT [of 'Gloire de dijon'] said Jacotot père .
Edme is the son-in-law of Pierre because he married Claire-Adelaide, the first daughter of Pierre.
Pierre was born May 27, 1799 in Dijon,
He married May 27, 1822 in Marsannay -la-Côte Marie CHARCHAUDE whom he had three daughters and a son named , Chrétien said Jacotot fils.
Pierre died January 6, 1883 in Dijon."

[From Bulletin du Cercle Général d'Horticulture, 1845, p. 251:] Liste de 1er Mars 1845 .... JACOTOT, Pépinièriste, à Dijon (Côte d'Or).
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