Michurin, Ivan Vladimirovich
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Rose Breeder
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (October 27, 1855 Dolgoje, Rjasan - June 7, 1935 Michurinsk), Russian horticulturist and geneticist
[From By Any Other Name, July 2012, pp. 42-47:] Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin was born on October, 28, 1855, in Vershina estate, not far from Dolgoje village in Pronskij district of Rjazansky province, Russia....In 1875 Ivan Vladimirivich started his fi rst experiments on the breeding and selection of plants. The family’s income was spent on purchasing new seeds and up-todate editions on botany. In order to explore the condition of gardening in Central Russia, Ivan visited gardens in the Voronezh and Orlov regions, southeastern Byelorussia, a number of southern and southwestern districts of Russia, and some regions in Siberia. After ten years of intense work on selection Michurin created valuable varieties of apple tree – Antonovka Polutorofuntovaja (one-and-a-half-pound Antonovka), Renet Sugary, Renet Bergamot, Slavianka, Truvor; pear tree – Beree kozlovskaja; plum – Renclod zolotisty (goldish), Renclod shelonsky, sweet blackthorn and others. Winterhardy varieties of cherries, almonds, grapes, cigarette tobacco, oil-bearing roses, etc. were fi rst created in Central Russia by Michurin. By 1920, he had bred 154 new varieties of fruit, and had a large nursery at his disposal. Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin died on June 7, 1935
[Correct spelling: I. V. Mičurin]