O. G. Orpen ( - 1917), a director of Daniell's Brewery, vice-president of the National Rose Society...Orpen Memorial Hall in West Bergholt was built 1938.
The Garden, 1908, p. 592] The principal feature of this [Colchester Chrysanthemum and Fruit] show is the splendid array of hardy fruit and the great interest displayed by amateurs, and the society is most fortunate in having such an enthusiastic horticulturist as chairman in Mr. O. G. Orpen, the eminent Amateur rosarian...
Garden Life, 1912, p. xvi] In an article on Mr. O. G. Orpen in the Rosarians' Year Book for 1902, Mr. Foster-Melliar said: " He has been greatly assisted in the prosecution of his career as a Rose exhibitor by his wife. Of late years she has been of much help to him with the garden Roses...
Garden Life, 1917, p. 28] The death is announced of Mr. O. G. Orpen, of West Bergholt, a vice-president of the National Rose Society. Mr. Orpen was well- known as an exhibitor, especially of Tea Roses, and his services were also in requisition for judging...
The Rose Annual, 1918, p. 182] The late O. G. Orpen. With the death of O. G. Orpen, there passes the last of that little band of East Anglian Rose-growers who did so much to popularise the Rose in the late seventies. As an exhibitor we all know....In 1895 he took over the Secretaryship of the Colchester Rose Society....