Paul Bräuer, off German origin, moved to San Remo prior to 1891 and opened a nursery there. He moved (fled) on May 29, 1915 back to Magdeburg in Germany when Italy entered World War I on the side of the Allies on May 23, 1915.
Rosen-Zeitung 1891, No. 6, p. 86:] Paul Bräuer, Head Gardener in San Remo
Der Rose Zucht und Pflege by Olbrich, 1903, p. 255:] Paul Bräuer, successful breeder of rose novelties, San Remo, Italy.
[From "Annuario del Ministero di Agricultura, Industria e Commercio", Rome 1904, p. 116:] List of horticultural establishments, schools, gardens....43. Bräuer Paul, San Remo, Porto Maurizio, Liguria
[From "Bolletino del Ministero di agricoltura, industria e commercio", 1915, p. 120, 651:] 47. Bräuer Paul, San Remo, Porto Maurizio, Liguria
Möller's deutsche Gärtner-Zeitung, July 24, 1915, p. 239-242:] The German cut flower nurseries at a turning point. Reports of a German refugee from Italy ....I have left Italy six days after the Declaration of War by Italy to Austria ....Paul Bräuer, Rose breeder, previously San Remo, currently Magdeburg, Fürstenufer 18 III.
Möller's deutsche Gärtner-Zeitung, August 28, 1915, p. 284:] Paul Bräuer, previously nursery owner in San Remo, now resident in Magdeburg after his flight from Italy.
Die Gartenwelt, May 26, 1916, p. 243:] Paul Bräuer, Rose breeder, previously in San Remo (Italy), resident in Magdeburg since the entry of Italy into the War.
Gartenflora,1916, p. 294:] Paul Bräuer from San Remo, currently in Magdeburg....
The Rose Annual 1981, p. 113:] The German grower Paul Brauer... settled down in San Remo...