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Schowalter, Walter
'Schowalter, Walter'  photo
Photo courtesy of Margit Schowalter
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Fri Sep 2024
USDA Zone: 3a (-40 to -35 F / -39.9 to -37.3 C)
[1916 to 2006]

"The settlers, mostly from warmer climates, brought with them a love of roses, only to find that the inhospitable winters on the prairies prevented them from growing the tender cultivars they were so used to having.

"Fortunately, a number of men undertook the development of hybridizing hardy roses for the prairies. These included: Robert Simonet of Edmonton, Robert Erskine of Carlos, George Bugnet of Rich Valley and Legal, Alberta, Percy Wright of Wilkie, Moose Range, and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and Frank L. Skinner of Dropmore, Manitoba. The last of the prairie rosarians of the 1900's, Walter Henry Schowalter, passed away in 2006. This article is the story of his life and his roses." Arnold Pittao, "The Last of the Prairie Rosarians"

The entire biography/obituary may be seen in the 2008 Prairie Garden, P. 84
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