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I just learned a few days ago that my dear rose friend, Ralph Moore passed away. Our friendship goes back some forty-nine years.
I use to visit his beloved nursery many times a year in the 60's,70's and 80's. My husband Stan and I would visit his parents in his hometown of Exeter, California just nine miles from Visalia, California.
I would spend many hours following Ralph around through his greenhouses. I learned so much about growing roses from him. He had no secrets.
Ralph was a delightful man and so easy going. He always welcomed visitors and loved to talk about his roses.
I never left his nursery without a box full of minis that I just couldn't do without. Well, I was just a novice then. I still have some of those roses in my garden. They are true treasures and a reminder of those lovely Sunday afternoons I spent at his nursery.
What a beautiful life Ralph had and to reach the age of 102 was something special.
God Bless him. Now, another icon is gone who will be missed beyond words around the World.
From a friend always,
Beverly A. Osborne San Fernando Valley Rose Society
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