'Prekrasnaja Livonija' rose Reviews & Comments
The alternative name given by HMF is incorrect: not 'Belle de Livonia' but 'Belle de Livonie'. This can be verified from Hartwiss's rose catalogue, hand-written in French, which lists 'Belle de Livonie' as an Alba rose bred at Nikita Botanical Garden in 1827. The same goes for 'Foncée-brillante de Livonie' and 'Incomparable de Livonie' (Gallicas). Really of course these are not alternative names: the French names are the original ones. Why call a rose after Livonia at all? Hartwiss was born in the middle of Livonia, educated in the north and worked laying out gardens and market gardens at Riga in the south. He was a member of the Livonian nobility assimilated to the Russian nobility when Livonia was absorbed into the Russian empire.
The pages of the catalogue are photo-reproduced in A.A. Galichenko online at http://kajuta.net/node/1266.
#1 of 3 posted
21 APR 13 by
The same reason applies to the names you mention - the spelling in the article itself has been followed, but we can list the alternative spellings - where can Hartwiss' catalogue be accessed?
Jedmar, the first six pages (perhaps all) of the Catalogue are reproduced by Galichenko. A note in the same hand is appended. I believe the catalogue is part of the vast correspondence between von Hartwiss and Prince Vorontsov, governor general of Crimea and von Hartwiss's boss. The correspondence, in French, is in the Russian State Archives. I will upload the pages as photos so anyone can read them. 'Belle de Livonie' is on the first.
#3 of 3 posted
6 MAY 13 by
It's really excellent that you are making these available for people to see. Just in case anyone's interested and not already aware of it, прекрасная/prekrasnaya means in Russian lovely or beautiful.