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'Asta von Parpart' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 64-224
most recent 11 MAY 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 MAY 12 by Landperson
This is the only rose (out of more than 200) that I have ever had show 'proliferation'.
It is quite unattractive.
Does anyone have any information on how common this is with this particular rose?

The rose has so many buds on it that I think I will just go out and clip out/off the proliferated ones and see what the next flush looks like. I think there is still a reasonable percentage that look fine.

I just picked some of the proliferated flowers, and at least one of them has as many as 6 buds in the center of the main flower.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 11 MAY 12 by jedmar
Ours which we bought from Weingart also had proliferation, a number of years in a row. We finally took it out and gave it to someone else, but want to replace it again.
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