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Pyle, Robert
'Pyle, Robert'  photo
Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose Author  

Listing last updated on Sat Mar 2025
Born: March 7, 1877, in London Grove, Pennsylvania. Died: September 28, 1951.
[From the American Rose Annual 1952, pp. 9-11: in] 1898, he became associated with The Conard and Jones Company (forerunner of The Conard-Pyle Company) serving as secretary from 1899 until 1906 when he became president... He served as vice president of the American Rose Society 1913 to 1914, president from 1919 to 1923, secretary from 1923 to 1932 an director from 1933 to 1940... In 1933 he was given a medal by the City of Paris for his contributions as a judge at Bagatelle. Mr. Pyle was one of the originators of All-America Rose Selections... The American Rose Society awarded him its Gold Honor Medal in 1933... through the years as head of The Conard-Pyle Company, one of the pioneer firms in the growing of garden roses, he was responsible for discovering and introducing many fine roses for American gardens. Two of his most recent introductions, 'Peace', originated by Francis Meilland of France; and 'City of York', originated by Mathias Tantau, have been awarded the National Gold Medal of the American Rose Society.
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