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Streeper, Dick

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Rose Author  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Dick Streeper writes about roses for the San Diego Union-Tribune and a number of other publications here in the States as well as in the UK (I'm a great fan of his articles in the magazine of the Royal National Rose Society).

Dick Streeper's rose odyssey began over forty years ago when he was a law student in Salem, Oregon, and grew when he moved to southern California in the mid-60s. He's interested in all aspects of roses and rose-growing -- breeding, exhibiting, writing, and the camraderie of his fellow rose lovers and rose society members. Dick is a member of the Board of Directors of the American Rose Society presently serving as Director of Region 9 -- states with zip codes beginning with "9" -- and has just retired as Editor of the San Diego Rose Society's Rose Ramblings, judged by the American Rose Society as best local society newsletter in the US for 1999. Dick was instrumental in the creation of San Diego's AARS Rose Garden in Balboa Park and two major public gardens in the People's Republic of China!

In between his rose activities, he practices law in San Diego.

The Streepers home garden contains about eight hundred roses, mostly consisting of pre-introduction and new varieties. The garden is open to visitors in mid-to-late April and October. To make arrangements to see the Streepers' Roses, all you have to do is email them.

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