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Mattock, John

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Rose Author  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
United Kingdom
John Mattock (April 23, 1926 Oxford- October 23, 2017)

[From By Any Other Name, March 2018, p.31:] John Mattock, renown British rosarian, born on 23 April 1926, died on 23 October 2017, at 91 years of age. Born in Oxford into a rose-growing family (the family enterprise “Mattock’s Roses“ was founded in 1875), he would be the fifth generation of nurseymen. ....Mustered out in 1946 he returned to the family business which had to be built up again since much of the planting was devoted to food production during the war years. After his father’s death in 1973, the three brothers took over the nursery, with Mark minding the financial aspects, Robert the cultivation of roses, and John in charge of marketing and selling.....In the late 1980s after John retired from the business (which had been sold to another garden enterprise), he continued in the UK and abroad as a popular lecturer, competition judge and author of three books...
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