HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Gyory, Szilveszter

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Rose (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Ružový háj 1370
Dunajská Streda, Trnavský 929 01
USDA Zone: 6a (-10 to -5 F / -23.3 to -20.6 C)
I´m a seventy years old retired engine- room artificer. My hobby has been ROSES for more than ten years. My collection of roses contains 600 cultivars, this is the largest private rose collection in Slovakia. It contains the biggest number of roses bred by Hungarians (more than 100 cultivars) in Slovakia. My purpose is to save the neglected roses of Soviet improvement. It is also my private collection that contains the largest number of miniature and ground-covering roses.

My other hobby is hybridizing. So far, I´ve bred 11 new cultivars of miniature, 5 of ground-covering and 3 of rambling roses. .
In the field of rose-improvement, I rather prefer the miniature and the ground-covering roses. I dedicate all my time to their improvement.
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