Photo courtesy of Jennifer & Jim Hughes
Rose (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Thu Jan 2025
1141 Forest Lake Drive Elba, Alabama 36323 United States
We have a total of 69 named roses (Kristi, Little Pete, & Spicy Kordana not currently on HelpMeFind) in various beds around our home. We currently have a total of 126 plants which is quite a leap from the original ten we planted in 2001. Most of the duplicates are of the groundcover or flower carpet variety used to provide gorgeous color in large flower beds. Our main rose garden is in the shape of a heart (see pictures) and includes miniatures, floribunda's, grandiflora's, hybrid teas, climbers, and two different size tree roses. We grow them for our own personal enjoyment but share their beauty through the pictures posted here. Hope you can enjoy them as much as we do.