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Rose (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Andreas Barlage is an editor for an florists magazine in Germany. As a gardener, he also publishes articles about his favorite flower, The Rose. In his garden, he grows a lot of Roses! Andreas writes: I am quite influenced by the "English taste" of roses. Less the Austin-Roses, but much more the older ones, that are so popular in Great Britain, such as 'Penelope', 'Madame Alfred Carriere' and 'Little White Pet', for example.
I also like the varieties of the German breeder Noack very much. He raised some brillant new varieties such as 'Focus', 'Ambiente' (Hybrid Tea) and the Groundcover Rose 'Alcantara'. His bedding roses, 'Brautzauber' and 'Roman Herzog', are also very good.