Photo courtesy of happymaryellen
Rose (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Sat Dec 2024
Update in 2021....and new listing of roses! Total 78 now! Yes..I am addicted!
Gruss an coburg ht Planted july 1 2017 blooming from russian river rose co in pot 8.3. Moved to soil oct 1 2017
Double Delight x2 8.3 (came with house)ht
Francis meilland from kathy second one from edmunds put in pot feb 2020 moving this to soil jan 2021 (where all my lovin was)
Vogue anniversary rose. Nov 1,2017 jackson perkins 2 gallon pot Got rose in box with blackspot (parentage f Loretta Lynn Van Lear x Julia Child) Rose is looking fantastic in September 2018 and aug 2019
Sugar moon. 7.6Ht nursery in petaluma. Bare root planted jan 2017 Pruned 12-2017
ezdoesit flora 7.9 from suzanne jan 2018 under julia child
Biola centenial miniature from joan planted jan 2019
In pots Marilyn Monroe 8.0 (won blue ribbon and got in raffle 2016)ht moved to backyard pot 2017 Pruned 12-2017 lifted and added soil jan 20. 2021
Elizabeth taylor 8.1 (new 2016) (regan pot)ht. Moved to backyard January 2017 pot Pruned 12-2017 moved off irrigation to hand watering next to big mermaid added irrigation happy 2019 no disease
Easy does it. 7.9 Florabunda bare root. Planted jan 2018-from Kathy. Moved to back yard
Yves piaget 7.9 i grew from cutting jan 2017
Mermaid x2 8.6 antique Rose Emporium, Own root, Planted in pots October 25, 2017
Jilly Jewel miniature 7.8 Planted in Bigger pot jan 2021 got in 2019 from burling leong
melody parfume my cuttings started early jan 2020 planted in bigger pot jan 25,2021
Two new roses 11/2019 Marie pavie 8.7 2 from antique rose emporium
New rose St. Patrick’s Day Rose came as a gift from Jeanie September 2020, in a pot, came from Armstrong
portlandia to BIG pot for fence from heirloom roses. Own root. Planted feb 13,2021
Planted Mary Rose from front garden frb 1,2021
Trees Double delight. 8.3 Came with house
Falling in love ht 7.6 regan. Bareroot planted jan 2018
Miss congeniality. 7.6 Grandaflora unrated regan bare root planted jan 2018
Memorial day ht 7.9 regan bare root planted jan 2018
Julia child floribunda 8.3 regan bare root planted sept 17 doing great x2 Julia child tree x2 planted September 2017 from Reagan nursery in pot. Doing great! 6
Total 26
Front yard
Mermaid 8.6 Reagen nursery 3x October 2017 in pots planted in ground October 29 ( 2 on trellis 1 on fence) Two mermaids on the wall are grafted, one mermaid on the fence is own root.
phyllis bide poly 8.5. From cottage gardens in larger pot next to pool pump fence july 2,2019 planted in front garden jan 31,2021 Added Chromatella jan 2021 from greg lowry on corner next to phylis bide died feb 2021
Mary rose shrub bareroot from david austin planted jan 30, 2019 8.3 move 1 to back yard frb 2021
Huntington shrub (new in spring 2016) potted 7.7 (regan)added arbor sept 2020
Added State of Grace (not rated yet) from Kathy jackson and perkins grafted planted Frb 12,2021 Never leafed out gave to Connie and got Tuscan Sun 8.0 instead planted mar 21, 2021
Princess Charlene de Monaco 7.8 bare root from susan edmunds planted march 2019 from susan
Added The Pilgrim 7.9 from david austin bare root mar 21, 2021
Adding Poets wife 8.3 from david austin bare root
Added bAthsheba 7.9 arrived mar 17,2021 from david austin behind the pilgrim to climb up retaining walk and fence
Strike it rich 7.7 grand flora. From Edmund roses bare root planted January 2017 pruned 12-2017
Secret 7.9 hybrid tea added to front yard January 2017 bare root came from rose nursery in Petaluma pruned 12-2017
Renae climber. From russain river in pot aug 2018 Planted front yard jan 2019 7.5
Melody perfume 7.8 grandaflora rose bare root came from Reagan nursery planted January 2017 moved to east side of garden jan 2021
Carding mill 8.1 from David Austin bare root planted May 25, 2019
Lady of the mist coming from heirloom feb 2019 7.9
William Shakespeare 2000 7.8 shrub (new in 2016) RVN own root. Moving to fence 2019 moved again 2020
Rita sammons (new in 11/ 2015 own root RVN)polyantha moving to fence
Crepuscule x2 noisette 8.3 own root A reverence for Roses Planted march 2019 great performer 2020
Francis Meilland (first not healthy one) 7.6 bare root edmunds (star) from kathy. Planted feb 23,2020
Louis Philippe 8.9 (new summer 2016 antique rose emp) own root hybrid china old garden rose
old blush 8.4 (new in 2015 winter)(chamblee)hybrid china old garden rose
Julia child 8.3 (new in feb 2016) own root (chamblee)Florabunda
Gertrude Jekyll 7.9 (new 2016) regan pot shrub
Lady Emma Hamilton 8.0 (new in summer 2016)regan pot shrub
All my lovin’ from Westend, bareroot ht planted dec 2018 8.0 moving to front yard jan 16, 2021 from back yard
2 Felicite perpetue 8.1 old garden hybrid sempervirens (hsems)x2 Planted January 7, 2017 blooming may 2018 started from a reverance for roses
Chrysler Imperial 7.8 hybrid tea bare root from Petaluma rose nursery planted January 2017 pruned 12-2017
Ebb Tide 7.4 florabunda plants of January 2017 bare root from heirloom Lady of shalott 7.6 potted David Austin roses from Petaluma nursery planted January 2017
Sally Holmes 2x 8.8 from antique rose emporium. Own root. Planted feb 22, 2020
Ballerina. Own root. Won from Rose society august 2017 , sandy got from burling. Planted in front yard oct 2017 8.5
Queen elizabeth planted jan 30, 2019 from david austin bare root 8.1
Pope john paul II on fence 7.5 cutting I grew. Planted feb 2019 37.
Jan-feb 2021 adding The poets wife, pilgrim, chromatella, state of grace Adding 7 new taking out 3 38 Trees Pope John Paul II 7.5 (new in jan 2016)(br mregan)Ht bare root Pruned 12-2017
New feb 2019 new zealand 7.8 tree with full sail 7.3 edmunds bare root planted feb 12, 2019
Easy going. 8.0 (yellow) Livin easy (orange) 8.2 (new in early 2016)bare root (edmunds)flora
Just Joey the 8.0 (new in jan 2016)(regan) Ht bare root South Africa 8.0 tree planted jan 2020 from regan nursery did not perform well year 1
Ebb tide 7.4 tree Purchased from Reagan nursery in a pot and planted late September 2017
Double delight 8.3 tree came with house driveway
Miss congeniality. Grandaflora unrated regan bare root planted jan 2018
Memorial day 7.9 #2 planted jan 2021 came from regan nursery bare root
Life of the party came bare root from regan nursery planted jan 2021 not rated yet
Violets pride. West end bare root planted mar 2019 12 50
Cutie pie 8.1 miniature from rose society planted bigger pot july 2,2019
Rose from tripp planted feb 2021 he says it is a yellow
52 Total 78
I have a collection of 45 roses, and I'm experimenting with other things. My rose list back yard Tropicana. 7.7 (Came with house)ht
Gruss an coburg ht Planted july 1 2017 blooming from russian river rose co in pot 8.3
Double Delight x3 8.3 (came with house)ht Vogue Anniversary Rose flora Easy Does it FB 7.9
Julia Child x2 FB 8.3 standards
Marilyn Monroe 8.0 (won blue ribbon and got in raffle 2016)ht moved to backyard pot 2017. Gets rust Elizabeth taylor 8.1 (new 2016) (regan)ht. Moved to backyard January 2017 gets rust
Sugar moon. 7.6Ht nursery in petaluma. Bare root planted jan 2017 Cuttings that are working so far....Mimi Farina, Yves Piaget ht 7.9 and one unknown
Memorial Day 7.9 ht Standard Miss Congeniality grandaflora standard Falling in Love 7.6 ht standard Front yard Compassion 8.3 ht cl own root rogue valley planted jan 14 2017 in driveway between two trees
Leila verde. Aka lika vidri old moved from pots to rose garden)flowered early 2016 leggy florabunda hybrid tea
Miss all American beauty 7.8 (new in winter 2016 raffle win)ht
Double delight 8.3 ht moved from back yard to front yard from backyard 1-2017 Ebb Tide Flora 7.5 Standard Miss Congeniality Standard Starla miniature 8.4 from the garden store in Petaluma 8.4 planted in Front yard Dec 2017 after being in pot Windermere shrub 7.9 (new in 2016)(regan)potted
Huntington shrub (new in spring 2016) potted 7.7 (regan)
Iceberg 8.4 (new in 2016)floribunda(chamblee)bare root
Secret 7.9 hybrid tea added to front yard January 2017 bare root came from rose nursery in Petaluma
Melody perfume 7.8 grandaflora rose bare root came from Reagan nursery planted January 2017
Mr Lincoln 8.3 (new in 2016 own root?)(RVN)ht
Fragrant Cloud Cottage gardens HT
William Shakespeare 2000 7.8 shrub (new in 2016) RVN own root
Rita sammons (new in 2016 own root RVN)polyantha
Brandy 7.6. Old came with house 1st year great..second not, ht
New dawn 8.4 (new in summer2016 pot. no flowers but climbed a lot 2016(heirloom)
Louis Philippe 8.9 (new summer 2016 antique rose emp) own root china old garden rose
old blush 8.4 (new in 2016)(chamblee)hybrid china old garden rose
Julia child 8.3 (new in feb 2016) own root (chamblee) Flora
Gertrude Jekyll 7.9 (new 2016) regan pot shrub
Lady Emma Hamilton 8.0 (new in summer 2016)regan pot shrub Clair Austin 7.6 (new in 2016) regan pot shrub
Felicite perpetue 8.1 old garden hybrid sempervirens (hsems)x2 Planted January 7, 2017
Chrysler Imperial 7.8 hybrid tea bare root from Petaluma rose nursery planted January 2017
Ebb Tide 7.4 florabunda plants of January 2017 bare root from heirloom Lady of shalott 7.6 potted David Austin roses from Petaluma nursery planted January 2017
Strike it rich 7.7 grand flora. From Edmund roses bare root planted January 2017
Compassion 8.4 lcl Heirloom own root. Planted jan 2017 x2 planted Ballerina own root planted end of 2017
Trees (some listed above) Pope John Paul II 7.5 (new in jan 2016)(br mregan)Ht bare root
Sun sprite 8.3 (new in jan 2016)bare root (regan)flora
Easy going. 8.0 (yellow) Livin easy (orange) 8.2 (new in early 2016)bare root (edmunds)flora
Just Joey the 8.0 (new in jan 2016)(regan) Ht bare root Double delight 8.3 (old)ht
Gemini 8.4 (moved to pot 2016 came with house)ht
New roses came in winter 2016-2017
Felicite et Perpetue. (White rambler rose) 8.1 planted 12-16 bandx2 One in garden, on by driveway
Compassion 8.0 pink 2x Planted dec 2016 ht Band also one from rogue valley planted in garden under tree
Ebb Tide 7.5. Mauve Planted 12-16 ht band
February 2017 Chrysler imperial. Red 7.8 Secret. Pink. 8.0 Melody Parfumee 7.8 Strike it rich
Baron De Rothschild replacement from Edmunds spring 2017 Really is a baroness...was mistyped by grower twice
Key RVN Rogue valley Nursery Regan Edmunds Petaluma garden Petaluma roses