HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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Jessica's small but colorful garden.

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Rose and clematis (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
United States
My little garden, tucked in amongst UT Knoxville's frat houses and apartment complexes, is a small but colorful mixed country style garden that is my own tiny slice of heaven. Everything in my garden is still very young, (less than 3 years, most are coming up on year 2) and my gardening knowledge is very new, I am constantly trying to learn and gain new perspective on my newest and most addictive hobby of gardening, I've bought piles of books from amazon, joined

When I first started this gardening project I was so overwhelmed with options, I had no direction and no idea what kind of garden I wanted to have. I knew I wanted roses but as to the variety I had no idea. I loved so many of the varieties and colors that I saw in photos and blog posts, I was overwhelmed by the different species, sizes, shapes, varieties of resistance, etc. Then, after thinking way too hard for way too long, I decided my first rose bush had to be yellow, for my Mother, whom I lost in 2010 at the young age of 49, she LOVED yellow. Since then I have added roses of every hue and shape I could find, and now my garden has evolved into something much larger and more all encompassing than anything I could have imagined when I bought my first little yellow rose. I surely have been bitten by the rose bug.
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