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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Alex's Garden

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Rose (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Moscow Region
USDA Zone: 4b (-25 to -20 F / -31.6 to -28.9 C)
My garden is located 30 km to the west of Moscow. Placed on low-lying land. The soil is loamy, podzolic with pH 5,5-6. There are some old apple trees too. It's not very good for roses, as they often suffered from various diseases. Nevertheless, they survived and continued to grow and still grow now.:) Furthermore I did not cover them for the winter. Unbelievable, but true. It began with the fact that once upon a time I decided to plant a rose. In those days roses were considered capricious plants and not suitable for our climate. But that rose survived, spent the winter without shelter. Of course, it froze just to the soil level but survived. I was curious, then I planted a couple of bushes more. And that case repeated itself. The myth of the capriciousness of roses and their inability to grow in our climate collapsed. At the same time I came to a big russian gardeners forum, where a nasty case occurred: thence aboriginal rosarians betrayed me anathema, when I wrote that I did not cover my roses. But precisely because of this conflict, I thoroughly "hooked" on the roses. At that time I had a large collection of gladiolus (about 150 varieties) and dahlia (about 50 varieties), but since I do mostly roses, though keep a small amount of dahlias and gladioli. Of course I have no such luxury shrubs, as in France. But I do not want to, my garden is not a showgarden, but rather a test plot. I love each rose individually. Due to travel to Europe, I managed to get a lot of new varieties. I prefer unusual roses, which has something that sets them apart from simply red, pink, yellow ones. Over the past 10 years that I grow roses, I made several findings: a resistant rootstock is very important for roses (I have proved for the best rootstock for my soil, it is R. Multiflora, but the problem is that R.m. is not suitable for all kind of roses), grafted plants grow better as the own root ones, the best shelter for the roses for the winter is the snow, the necessary measure in the winter is the snow retention, most often the cause of death lies on diseases of roses and poor rootstock. Of course these findings apply only to my garden, because other areas have different conditions and their own microclimates.
Now I have a pretty big collection and cover roses for the winter, otherwise without shelter, they do not show the full potential. Furthermore there is now this lightweight and comfortable non-woven material that makes it easy.

P.S. All fotos in my account are from my garden and made by me.
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