Goos & Koenemann Catalogue 1920 "To our dear customers! The war has ended. Unfortunately is its conclusion a different one than we loged and hoped for and ultimately earned for with the large sacrifices in materials and blood. It is now time to build up again on the ruins and, in order to give the good German Name again its reputation in the world, diligent and efficient work and especially quality work is necessary. In this respect the war has not been helpful. ....If due to circumstances for which we were not to blame, it was often not possible for us to carry out orders received, so the consitions have become better in this respect. Shipping has been approved to all destinations (Nieder-Walluf lies in the occupied zone), workers are again available, and thus we hope to meet the demands of our esteemed customers...."
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Goos & Koenemann Catalogue 1920
"To our dear customers! The war has ended. Unfortunately is its conclusion a different one than we loged and hoped for and ultimately earned for with the large sacrifices in materials and blood.
It is now time to build up again on the ruins and, in order to give the good German Name again its reputation in the world, diligent and efficient work and especially quality work is necessary. In this respect the war has not been helpful.
....If due to circumstances for which we were not to blame, it was often not possible for us to carry out orders received, so the consitions have become better in this respect. Shipping has been approved to all destinations (Nieder-Walluf lies in the occupied zone), workers are again available, and thus we hope to meet the demands of our esteemed customers...."
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