Bordesholm/Northern Germany, June 21st, 2017. Not quite true colours, sorry. My camera is good enough with close shots, but the white balance (same as the resolution) gets unhinged when it has to deal with complex objects/colours. In the upper half, from the left: Nina Weibull Cl., Paul's Scarlet Climber, Felicite et Perpetue, and Mme Alfred Carriere. Below them, from the left: Duchesse de Rohan, Roseninsel, Souvenir de St. Anne's, Ispahan. On this side of the lawn Alfred de Dalmas, Officinalis, and a bit of Climbing Alberich. And, yes, we still get enough light through the windows.
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Bordesholm/Northern Germany, June 21st, 2017. Not quite true colours, sorry. My camera is good enough with close shots, but the white balance (same as the resolution) gets unhinged when it has to deal with complex objects/colours. In the upper half, from the left: Nina Weibull Cl., Paul's Scarlet Climber, Felicite et Perpetue, and Mme Alfred Carriere. Below them, from the left: Duchesse de Rohan, Roseninsel, Souvenir de St. Anne's, Ispahan. On this side of the lawn Alfred de Dalmas, Officinalis, and a bit of Climbing Alberich. And, yes, we still get enough light through the windows.