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'Fleuri™' clematis Description
'Evipo042' clematis photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
11 favorite votes.  
Bred by Mogens Nyegaard Olesen (Denmark, 1995). Bred by Raymond J. Evison (United Kingdom, 1995).
Introduced in United Kingdom by Raymond Evison Clematis in 2007 as 'Fleuri'.
Early Large Flowered, Group 2.  
Purple, dark red stripes, red anthers.  None / no fragrance.  up to 7 petals.  Average diameter 6.5".  Medium to large, single bloom form.  Early summer to early autumn.  

Height: up to 47" (up to 120cm).  
USDA zone 6a and warmer.  
Canada - Patent No: 5262  on  25 May 2016
Application No: 11-7437  on  19 Dec 2011
Rights surrendered on May 25, 2017.
Denomination: 'Evipo042'
Trade name: Boulevard Fleuri
Breeder: Mogens N. Olesen, Poulsen Roser A/S, Fredensborg, Denmark; Raymond J. Evison, Raymond J. Evison, Ltd., Channel Islands, United Kingdom
'Evipo042' originated from a controlled cross conducted by the breeder, Raymond J. Evison, at Domarie Vineries, Les Sauvagées, St. Sampsons, Guernsey in the spring of 1995 between two unnamed seedlings.
European Union - Application No: 2010/0225  on  3 Feb 2010
United States - Patent No: PP 24,172  on  21 Jan 2014   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 13/374,055  on  9 Dec 2011
Inventors: Olesen; Mogens Nyegaard (Fredensborg, DK), Evison; Raymond J. (St. Sampsons, GB)
The present invention constitutes a new and distinct variety of Clematis plant which originated from a controlled crossing between the female seed parent, an un-named seedling, and the male pollen parent, an un-named seedling
The two parents were crossed during the summer of 1995 and the resulting seeds were planted the following winter in a controlled environment in Guernsey, Channel Islands. The new variety named ‘Evipo042’ originated as a single seedling from the stated cross.
If you know the parentage of this clematis, or other details, please contact us.