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'Abel Grant' rose References
Book  (Dec 2000)  Page(s) 105.  
Abel Grand
Hybrid Perpetual
Damaizin 1865
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 2.  
'Abel Grant', HP, lp, 1866 .. short description
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 150.  
Abel Grand ('Abel Grant') Hybrid Perpetual. Damaizin, 1865. Seedling of 'Jules Margottin'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 314.  
Grant, Abel (HP) Damaizin 1866; J. Margottin X ? ; silky whitish pink, silvery stripes, large, double, flat, good form, fragrance 8/10, floriferous, free-blooming, growth 6/10. Sangerhausen
Book  (1912)  Page(s) 113.  
Hybrides Remontants non classés...Abel Grant Jules Margottin X ? , Damaizin 1866, rose tendre, revers des pétales argenté, fleur grande, en coupe demi-imbriqué, très odorante; vigoureux. Massif, Coupe
Magazine  (13 May 1911)  Page(s) 231.  
The Parentage of Roses.
The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it...
Abel Grand... Hybrid Perpetual, Damaizin, 1865, Seedling Jules Margottin
Book  (1910)  Page(s) 192, 278.  
Abel Grand among the best roses of the 1860s... flowers rosy blush, large, full, and free...
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 181.  
But.... returning to our garden Roses, recommend, as the most robust in growth and prolific in flower, the following selection: 'Abel Grand' and....
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 3.  
199. Abel Grand, Hybride Remontant, Damaizin 1865 rose tendre
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 136.  
Hybrides Remontants (non classés)
4561. Abel Grant...(Damaizin 1866)...rose tendre.
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