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Sequoia Nursery, Moore Miniature Roses Historic Archive
'Sequoia Nursery, Moore Miniature Roses Historic Archive'  photo
Photo courtesy of Rupert, Kim L.
Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery   Owned by Ralph Moore.  

Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
2519 E. Noble Avenue
Visalia, California 93292-3249
United States
Ralph Moore's Sequoia Nursery is closed as of 30 April 2008.
Ralph Moore, operating through Sequoia Nursery and Moore Miniature Roses bred roses for sixty five years. His aim was to develop not just new varieties but better and different roses. To do this, he used in his breeding process not only miniature roses, but many different and varied kinds including several wild species, old garden roses, Floribunda, Hybrid Tea, moss and striped roses. Some of his successes are: 'Magic Carrousel', 'Over The Rainbow', 'Rise 'n' Shine', 'New Penny', 'Sheri Anne', 'Yellow Jewel', all of which have been used worldwide by other breeders, plus many others.
In addition, his work has produced such different roses (not miniature) as 'Topaz Jewel', 'Linda Campbell', 'Crested Jewel', new moss and striped roses. And 'Playgold', the only Award of Excellence Miniature for 1998.

From the Rose Literature:

American Rose Annual 1952, p. 254:] Sequoia Gardens Nursery, Route 2, Box 56, Visalia, California.

[From The Makers of Heavenly Roses, by Jack Harkness, p. 135:] In 1957, the Sequoia Nursery abandoned virtually every other plant in order to concentrate on Miniature roses.

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