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California Nursery Co. (Historic Archive)
'California Nursery Co. (Historic Archive)'  photo
Photo courtesy of BartBalk
Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
Niles, California
United States
Catalogs included in this archive are from the years 1888-89; 1891-92: 1894: 1895; 1897; 1899; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1928.

[From Modern Roses 10, p. 706:] California Nursery Co., Niles, California.

1921 American Rose Annual
p 55. That California growers are very much alive on the stock proposition is evidenced by the subjoined extract from a letter dated March 23, 1920, and written by Mr. George C. Roeding, of the California Nursery Co., Niles, Calif.:
This company has planted this year something over 2,000,000 rose-cuttings at its plant at Niles, Calif. The variety which predominated in this planting is the Manetti. In addition to this we have also planted a new Rosa canina, which is particularly strong growing and makes fine long canes. It is a variety which I secured when I was in Europe, in 1912, from Victor Teschendorff, Dresden, Germany. In addition to this, we are growing Gloire des Rosomanes and De la Grifferaie and a limited quantity of the Veilchenblau, which I have about concluded is going to be a very desirable variety for standards because of its strong canes. If we succeed in getting a good stand of cuttings, we expect to bud at least three-quarter million roses this year. In addition to this, we will have a large quantity of Manetti to sell, because we are planting several hundred thousand cuttings rather close together with a view of having stocks to offer to the trade.
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