Gebr. Seuren Rozenkwekerijen B.V.
Photo courtesy of Gebr. Seuren Rozenkwekerijen B.V.
Rose (retail, wholesale and mail order) Nursery Owned by John Seuren.
Listing last updated on Fri Mar 2025
Grubbenvorsterweg 44 Lottum, Netherlands
(0031)-(0)77-3662550 [Information] (0031)-(0)77-3663416 [Fax]
The name Seuren has been a household word on the rose village of Lottum in the Dutch province of Noord-Limburg for more than one and a half century. Since 1838 is the art of tree cultivation, with roses As a major specialization, been passed down from father to son. Over the years a flourishing export trade developed in addition to the nursery.
In 1838 agriculturist Johannes Seuren was one of the first Lottumians to start cultivating fruit trees- to supplement the meager income of those times. After his father had died in 1858, Johannes' son Christaan , aged twenty, took over the business. During the 1880s trees were not only sold in Noord-Limburg, but supplied to purchasers in the provinces of Gelderland and Noord-Brabant as well as in Germany.
By that time Christiaan's three sons, Frans,Sjeng en Fons took over the nursery. In subsequent years the nursery was further expanded. In addition to the cultivation of fruit and avenue trees, ornamental shrubs and conifers, the cultivation of roses became more important, while exports gained momentum. Roses now became the major cultivation in the Seuren family firm, meanwhile including the four sons of Sjeng; Jan, Chrit, Fons and Ruud. Apart from roses, conifers, forest trees and hedging plants were grown.
In 1958 the four brothers took over the business, the older generation gradually withdrawing. During the following years the nursery was further extended and built up, old buildings and greenhouses being replaced by new ones. In 1969 new grounds with an area of 18ha. Were bought. On these grounds new construction started again in 1980; a much enlarged warehouse including offices and cold stores, fully adapted to meet the most sophisticated needs. During the seventies rose sales had gone up to one and a half million pieces. Moreover, a large number of forest trees and hedging plants were delivered. By 1976 the Seuren brothers started container cultivation, which was gradually stepped up. Exports gained more and more importance, now taking up 90% of the firm's own production.
On 1st January 1987 it was the fifth generation's turn. The four sons of Jan Seuren, John, Peter, Rob and Stan took the lead. Afterwards container cultivation has been developed still further and machinery was modernized. At the moment Seuren Bros B.V. cultivate a total area of over 44ha.,subdivided into 30ha. of roses, 9 ha. of field grown conifers and 5 ha. in container cultivation. Currently, products are being exported. In the ninety years they also started a patio plants nursery in Venlo. Here they cultivate more than 80 thousands patio plants a year.
January 2017 marked the start of a new era for Seuren. Former director John Seuren's daughter, Suzanne Verhaegh-Seuren, took over the family business after many years of gaining experience within the organisation.
A highly motivated team of 25 (including the management), during the high season Extended to 50, are now further building the future of this flourishing family business. More than 170 years expertise, product quality and service have formed the Basis of the firm's management. John, Rob, Peter and Stan Seuren together with their skilled staff will warrant that also in the next decades purchasers may count on top quality products and service.